VI Primavera Project Management Conference
May 21st - 23rd, 2007
12, Krasnopersnenskaya nab., Moscow
PMSOFT - Primavera Systems, Inc. Authorized Representative in Russia and CIS - would like to invite you and your colleagues to participate in the VI International Primavera Project Management Conference in Moscow on May 21-23.
Among the activities of the vast three-day program are plenary sessions and master classes, vertical-oriented practical sections, discussion groups, business games, friendly dinner and much more.
The program of Conference-2007 includes theoretical aspects of Project, Program and Project Portfolio Management, and practical skills; it unites the experience of Project Management professionals in basic fields with knowledge and competence of consulting companies’ experts. Activities of Conference-2007 would be useful and interesting to participants of all PM and PPM processes. Discussion of strategic planning, PPM, approaches of maturity level increase is planned for Executives. Project managers will get to know about peculiar properties of Project Management in different verticals; schedulers, technical and functional experts – practice of development and supervision of integrated schedules at different points of projects life-cycles. Functionality of software and projects of EPM systems implementation will be interesting for IT-experts. At the same time HR-experts will be able to discuss the tools of education and raising the level of competence of employees in the field of project management.
Traditionally, considerable attention will be devoted to practical experience of project execution, organization of enterprise project management systems and methods of solving the problems which can rise during the process of project realization - our participants will share their experience with you. The participants of Conference-2006 gave about 40 such reports. The representatives of different Russian and international companies were invited to give their reports this year. Also PMSOFT partners would take part in Conference-2007 – vendors of solutions in the field of project and project portfolio management automation - Primavera, Kildrummy, PertMaster, SensoryNet, InfoStroy and many others.
The Conference will be attended by the specialists from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Belarus, and also from the USA, the UK, Australia, Germany, Czech Republic, Turkey and other countries.
While forming the Conference program we took into account the interests of project and program execution key participants:
- Company general managers
- Project Management Office staff
- Chiefs of departments (finance, production planning, risk management, contract management departments, etc.)
- Project managements and project curators
- Functional experts
- IT-departments
- HR-departments
The Conference languages are Russian and English.
The price of participation of one person is $500.
There is a flexible discount system:
- For Primavera software users
- For companies who pays the participance of 5 and more members
Further information about Conference fees
For further information please contact Anastasia Platonova at +7(495) 232-1100 or e-mail uc2007@pmsoft.ru.